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GMC validated questionnaires

DrMSF Questionnaires (GMC)

GMC Patient Questionnaire

Doctor MSF 360 can provide you with the GMC patient questionnaire. Doctor MSF 360 can also provide a ballot box for patient 360-degree feedback. You can print 360 MSF surveys from our or the GMC website. The PDF file is available on this webpage, via the button below. The GMC questionnaire was designed as an exit survey for consecutive patients or carers. Most agencies accept 360-patient reports with 25 patient MSF forms. The GMC recommended 34 completed questionnaires for a good patient perception of performance. Doctor MSF 360 data enters up to 40 GMC patient questionnaires for the standard fee.

Patient PDF file

More on the patient questionnaire.

The GMC patient questionnaire for multi-source feedback is a tool used to gather feedback from patients about a doctor's performance. It is part of the GMC's requirements for revalidation of doctors' licenses to practice medicine in the UK.

The questionnaire is typically administered to a sample of patients who have had recent contact with the doctor. It asks patients to rate the doctor's performance in areas such as communication, professionalism, and clinical competence. The questionnaire is designed to elicit feedback on specific behaviors and skills that are important for providing high-quality care, and the questions are based on the GMC's core domains of good medical practice.

The GMC recommends that doctors aim to obtain feedback from a minimum of 34 patients over a 12-month period, consecutive patients if possible. The number of patients required may vary depending on the individual's scope of practice. Many doctors find that collecting feedback from 25 patients is sufficient to meet the appraisal requirements without encountering any issues.

The feedback gathered from the patient questionnaire is collated with feedback from colleagues and other healthcare professionals as part of the GMC's multi-source feedback process. The feedback is used to support the doctor's ongoing professional development and to identify areas for improvement. It may also be used as evidence of good medical practice in the doctor's appraisal and revalidation process.

It is important to note that the patient questionnaire is just one component of the GMC's multi-source feedback process and should be used in conjunction with feedback from other sources to provide a comprehensive picture of a doctor's performance. Additionally, doctors should ensure that the patient feedback is obtained in a confidential and sensitive manner, with appropriate measures in place to ensure the anonymity of the respondents.

Colleague Questionnaires

Doctor 360 MSF employs the same colleague questionnaire as the GMC. We can email a link to your online survey to your colleagues, or you can complete on paper. You will get a report, along with the GMC benchmarks, and a reflection template. Since 2012, Doctor MSF 360 reports have assisted doctors in obtaining feedback for appraisals and revalidations. Click the button below to save or see the colleague questionnaire.

Colleague PDF file

More on the colleague questionnaire.

The GMC colleague questionnaire for multi-source feedback is a tool used to gather feedback from colleagues and other healthcare professionals about a doctor's performance. It is part of the GMC's requirements for revalidation of doctors' licenses to practice medicine in the UK.

The colleague questionnaire is typically administered to a sample of colleagues who have worked with the doctor in a professional capacity. It asks them to rate the doctor's performance in areas such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. The questionnaire is designed to elicit feedback on specific behaviors and skills that are important for providing high-quality care, and the questions are based on the GMC's core domains of good medical practice.

The GMC recommends that doctors aim to obtain feedback from a minimum of 15 colleagues over a 12-month period, although the number of colleagues required may vary depending on the individual's scope of practice.

The feedback gathered from the colleague questionnaire is collated with feedback from patients and other healthcare professionals as part of the GMC's multi-source feedback process. The feedback is used to support the doctor's ongoing professional development and to identify areas for improvement. It may also be used as evidence of good medical practice in the doctor's appraisal and revalidation process.

The colleague questionnaire is a valuable tool for obtaining feedback from colleagues and other healthcare professionals about a doctor's performance, including non-medical colleagues such as administrative staff or members of the management team. However, it is important to note that this questionnaire is just one component of the GMC's multi-source feedback process. Additionally, doctors should ensure that the feedback is collected in a confidential and sensitive manner, with appropriate measures in place to ensure the anonymity of the respondents.

Self-Assessment Questionnaires

Self-assessment is a cornerstone of self-directed professional development. Many items in the self-assessment questionnaire correspond to the patient and colleague questionnaires, while other components provide contextual information about the doctor and practise. All of Doctor MSF packages include the collection of self assessment data as a basic feature. The data from your self-assessment form is provided in the table on the last page of your reports. Every order confirmation email will contain a link to an online self assessment form, that should only take a few minutes to complete.

More on the self-assessment questionnaire.

The GMC self-assessment questionnaire is a tool that doctors use to evaluate their own performance and identify areas for improvement. It is one of the components of the GMC's multi-source feedback process for revalidation of doctors' licenses to practice medicine in the UK.

The self-assessment questionnaire asks doctors to rate their own performance in areas such as communication, professionalism, and clinical competence. The questions are designed to prompt doctors to reflect on their own practice and identify areas where they could make improvements.

The feedback gathered from the self-assessment questionnaire supplements the information gathered from the colleague and patient questionnaires. It provides a way for doctors to reflect on their own performance and identify areas where they may need to make changes. The self-assessment questionnaire can also help doctors to better understand the feedback they receive from other sources and to develop a more accurate and objective view of their own strengths and weaknesses.

By comparing the feedback from the self-assessment questionnaire with the feedback from the colleague and patient questionnaires, doctors can gain a more comprehensive picture of their performance and identify areas where they need to focus their professional development.

It is important to note that the self-assessment questionnaire is just one component of the GMC's multi-source feedback process and should be used in conjunction with feedback from other sources to provide a comprehensive picture of a doctor's performance.

Sample Report

Doctor MSF 360 reports are trusted by many doctors for appraisals and revalidations. Doctor MSF use the GMC’s questionnaires for colleagues and patients. This makes sure that our reports meet the GMC standards, but also go beyond them. The reports are clear and easy to use. They show the answers to each question as numbers and percentages. You can understand them easily. The last table of the report gives you scores, ratings and percentages for each question. The way we calculate percentages is the same method as used by the GMC. You can compare your scores with the GMC’s benchmarks confidently. When you finish, you get the report, the benchmarks, and a useful ‘reflection template’. Our reports give you 360° feedback for your appraisal and revalidation needs.

Doctor MSF reports.

The General Medical Council (GMC) provides guidance on reporting standards for 360-degree feedback reports using their questionnaires. The GMC emphasizes the importance of clear, concise, and accurate reports that provide doctors with meaningful feedback to support their professional development. The reports should include both quantitative and qualitative feedback, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement.

The GMC also recommends that reports should be structured to provide a clear overview of the feedback, followed by detailed feedback for each question and theme. Reports should include a summary of the feedback from different sources, including patients, colleagues, and the doctor's self-assessment. It is also essential that the reports respect the anonymity and confidentiality of the participants.

The GMC emphasizes the importance of constructive feedback and recommends that reports should provide specific examples to support feedback given. Reports should also focus on providing feedback that is actionable and helps doctors to identify clear areas for improvement.

Overall, the GMC provides comprehensive guidance on reporting standards for 360-degree feedback reports using their questionnaires, ensuring that doctors receive feedback that is meaningful, constructive, and supports their professional development.

Get Valuable Patient Feedback with Our Online Feedback Form

Looking to improve the overall experience of your clinic? A patient feedback form is the solution! By asking questions that gather feedback from patients, medical doctors can use this online feedback form to enhance their services. At our organization, we believe that user feedback helps to make informed decisions and encourages health and care providers to assess their services and make changes where necessary.

Revalidation and Reflecting on Feedback

For revalidation, it is essential to reflect on feedback from patients or others you provide medical services to, at least once every revalidation cycle. This helps to identify what you're doing well and ways to improve your practice. Both positive and critical feedback are valuable in helping you reflect on your practice. Your appraisals should take into account all the information you gather about your practice.

The Benefits of Our Feedback Tool

The feedback tool we use generates information that helps doctors reflect on their practice and identify opportunities for professional development. The questions are designed to identify what doctors do well and areas for improvement, based on relevant values and principles in Good medical practice (as appropriate). The tool is also designed to use plain English that's neutral in tone, short, unambiguous, and easy to understand, with only one aspect or variable asked about in each question. It also allows participants to answer 'does not apply' in response to questions.

  • Any ratings or scores used are mutually exclusive, with a clear threshold between satisfactory and unsatisfactory.
  • A scale with the same number of positive and negative response options is essential to avoid bias.
  • Our tool is also piloted or tested in a similar working environment to show that it generates helpful feedback.

How Participants Take Part in the Feedback Tool

Before participants take part in the feedback form, they receive information about how to take part, how the feedback will be used, that responses will be anonymous (or confidential), and that they can choose not to take part. It's also good practice to involve those who will be giving feedback, such as patients and carers, in developing the feedback tool, to ensure it's appropriate for their use.

So, if you want to improve the overall experience of your clinic, use our patient feedback form to identify areas of improvement and to make informed decisions based on valuable feedback from your patients or those you provide medical services to.